
2.DUO mikulášska výstava ušľachtilých morčiat (30.11.2024)

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Detailed information of the cavy:

No.: 9
Name: Búrka of Ice plant Cavy in Motion
Std.: A
Breed: Self/ Non self
Class: Junior
Sex: sow
Date of birth: 20.03.2024
Color: biela
Reg. No. SZCH: -
For sale: no
Exhibitor: Michal Skotnický, SK
ID: 97


'X' next to the catalogue number means that the cavy was entered after the deadline or directly at the exhibition - without entitlement to awards (with the exception of CAC).
'N' next to the catalogue number means that the entered cavy is of an unrecognized breed or color variety - without entitlement to awards or CAC.