19. Cavy show Banská Bystrica

Basic information


Show date: 11/4/2023

Date of registration open: 10/9/2023 20:00

Date of registration close: 10/26/2023 20:00

Place of exhibition: Stredná odborná škola, Pod Banošom 80, Banská Bystrica (Google Maps)

Judges: Mgr. et Bc. Andrea Kroftová (CZ), MVDr. Peter Supuka (SK), László Zerényi (HU). Štandard C: Tomáš Szabó (SK) - adept na posudzovateľa.

Start fee: 3 € (the fee for members of ZOCHM.SK is 2 €)

Cage fee: 10 € (A,B), 4 € (C)

Standard and capacity:

Standard A+B (SK)
Free: 0 cages
No limit
Standard A (SK)
Free: 0 cages
No limit
Standard B (SK)
Free: 0 cages
No limit
Standard C (SK)
Free: 0 cages
No limit

Notice: If there are no more available cages, your entry will be placed on the waiting list.

Organizers: Ing. Alena Mikulinová, Eva Bednárová, Tomáš Szabó (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)

Person responsible for entries: Lukáš Klimša (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)

Exhibition Form:

Reception of cavies from 7:30 to 8:45.
Start of judging at 9:00.
Lunch break from 12:00 to 13:00 (judging suspended).
Expected end of the exhibition around 18:00.
The exhibition will also be open to the public from from 10:00 to 16:00 (admission optional).

Program change reserved!!

Please note that dates are provided in the format mm/dd/yyyy and times are given in the CET (Central European Time) or CEST (Central European Summer Time) time zone, depending on the time of year.

More information in the Slovak language is available at this link (this version is binding for exhibitors) or on this , where you can use translation to many languages.
